Rental Conditions

Minimum age
The driver must be at least 21 years old. For renting motorcycles, the minimum age is 17 years.

Driver’s license
A valid driving license is required, issued at least one year before the rental.

Traffic fines
All costs incurred in connection with fines, penalties, accidents and other violations of the Greek Highway Code or in the event of the use of a towing service will be charged to the customer by ACHILLES KRETA.

All fuel costs are to be borne by the customer.

The minimum rental period is 24 hours.

Participation in motorcycle tours
The participant must be in possession of a valid driving license. The motorcycle with which he participates in the event must be approved for use on public roads and in good technical and safe driving condition. The legal regulations in Greece apply. Each participant is responsible for compliance with the Highway Code and is obliged to adapt his driving style to his own safety and the safety of the other participants. Each participant is responsible for wearing appropriate protective clothing. Any kind of recording of the routes is prohibited.

The increased risks of motorcycling are known to the participants. He drives at his own risk, even if he follows the tour guide. There is no insurance of the participant on the part of the organizer. The participant refrains from the organizer, as well as all persons assigned by him with the execution of the tour, to any claims arising in connection with a damaging event during the booked tour. This waiver also applies to relatives and dependents of the participant.

Authority / liability of the participant
The tour guides or other agents of the organizer have absolute authority over the tour in relation to the participants. If the participant violates protection regulations, conditions of participation or tour-related instructions of the tour guide, the tour guide or representative of the tour operator has the right to exclude the participant from the rest of the journey without a refund of the travel price (even proportionate). Furthermore, the participant can be held liable for any damage incurred by the organizer.

Cancellation by the organizer
The organizer reserves the right to cancel the trip even after the valid, written confirmation of travel at the latest 7 days before the scheduled start of the trip, if:
Not the necessary minimum number of participants of 4 persons is reached. In these cases, customers will be reimbursed the full travel price, or alternatively may rebook free of charge on a different date.

The organizer reserves the right to cancel the tour less than 7 days before the scheduled start of the trip or after the start of the trip, if:
The tour guide fails due to illness or injury and no adequate replacement can be made.
The planned routes are not drivable without acute danger to life and limb and no escape route can be used.
If there are reasons for which the organizer is not responsible (force majeure).

In these cases, the customer will receive the full or, if canceled, the pro rata travel price.

Achilles Kreta Touren

GR +30-693-4757439

D +49-157-30638903
